The staking module provides a set of subcommands to query the staking state and send staking transactions.
Available Commands
Query a validator
Query for all validators
Query a delegation based on address and validator address
Query all delegations made from one delegator
Query all delegations to one validator
Query an unbonding-delegation record based on delegator and validator address
Query all unbonding-delegations records for one delegator
Query all unbonding delegatations from a validator
Query all outgoing redelegatations from a validator
Query a redelegation record based on delegator and a source and destination validator address
Query all redelegations records for one delegator
Query the current staking pool values
Query the current staking parameters information
Query historical info at given height
Create new validator initialized with a self-delegation to it
Edit existing validator account
Delegate liquid tokens to an validator
Unbond shares from a validator
Redelegate illiquid tokens from one validator to another
junod query staking validator
Query a validator by validator address
Query information for validator address <junovaloper...>
Will return something similar to:
junod query staking validators
Query all validators
The following will return information for ALL validators:
The returned values will be similar to those from junod query staking validator
junod query staking delegation
Query a delegation based on delegator address and validator address.
Query a delegation
The following will return delegations for a delegator to a particular validator address <junovaloper...>
Returns something similar to:
junod query staking delegations
Query all delegations delegated from one delegator.
Query all delegations of a delegator
The following command will return all delegations from a delegators address <juno...>
Will return something similar to:
junod query staking delegations-to
Query all delegations to one validator.
Query all delegations to one validator
The following command will return all delegations to a validator address <junovaloper...>
Will return something similar to:
junod query staking unbonding-delegation
Query an unbonding-delegation record based on delegator and validator address.
Query an unbonding delegation record
junod query staking unbonding-delegations
Query all unbonding delegations records of a delegator
junod query staking unbonding-delegations-from
Query all unbonding delegations from a validator
junod query staking redelegations-from
Query all outgoing redelegations of a validator
Query all outgoing redelegatations of a validator
junod query staking redelegation
Query a redelegation record based on delegator and source validator address and destination validator address.
Query a redelegation record
junod query staking redelegations
Query all redelegations records of a delegator
junod query staking pool
Query the current staking pool values
Returns something similar to:
junod query staking params
Query the current staking parameters information
Returns something similar to:
junod query staking historical-info
Query historical info at given height
junod tx staking create-validator
Send a transaction to apply to be a validator and delegate a certain amount of juno
to it.
Amount of coins to bond
The initial commission rate percentage
The maximum commission rate percentage
The maximum commission change rate percentage (per day)
The minimum self delegation required on the validator
Optional details
Export the transaction in gen-tx format; it implies --generate-only
Optional identity signature (ex. UPort or Keybase)
Node's public IP. It takes effect only when used in combination with
The node's ID
Validator name
Go-Amino encoded hex PubKey of the validator. For Ed25519 the go-amino prepend hex is 1624de6220
Optional website
The validator's (optional) security contact email
Create a validator
Refer to mainnet instructions for detailed information.
junod tx staking edit-validator
Edit an existing validator's settings, such as commission rate, name, etc.
Commission rate percentage
Validator name
Optional identity signature (ex. UPort or Keybase)
Optional website
Optional details
The validator's (optional) security contact email
The minimum self delegation required on the validator
Edit validator information
junod tx staking delegate
Delegate tokens to a validator.
junod tx staking unbond
Unbond tokens from a validator.
Unbond some tokens from a validator
junod tx staking redelegate
Transfer delegation from one validator to another.
There is no unbonding time
during the redelegation, so you will not miss the rewards. But you can only redelegate once per validator, until a period (= unbonding time
) exceed.
Redelegate some tokens to another validator
Last updated
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