You can get a blocks transactions both via the RPC and REST API. You can find other public endpoints on the website
Copy # apt install jq | pacman -S jq
junod q block | jq
Copy junod tx decode < base64-amino-byte-strin g > --output=json
Copy junod tx decode 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 --output json
Copy {
"body" : {
"messages" : [
"@type" : "/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgExecuteContract" ,
"sender" : "juno1hts8gg0wnuxqk9xerukwc4pxdmgrghdnjv8gdg" ,
"contract" : "juno1g5j9vd76cqt7fsq22ne7jqfkz4v9ptkvh4jknsvwchpj753atwfs942a25" ,
"msg" : {
"swap" : {
"input_token" : "Token2" ,
"input_amount" : "4529000000" ,
"min_output" : "0"
} ,
"funds" : [
"denom" : "ujuno" ,
"amount" : "4529000000"
} ,
"@type" : "/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgExecuteContract" ,
"sender" : "juno1hts8gg0wnuxqk9xerukwc4pxdmgrghdnjv8gdg" ,
"contract" : "juno1e8n6ch7msks487ecznyeagmzd5ml2pq9tgedqt2u63vra0q0r9mqrjy6ys" ,
"msg" : {
"swap" : {
"input_token" : "Token1" ,
"input_amount" : "4529000000" ,
"min_output" : "6000000"
} ,
"funds" : [
"denom" : "ujuno" ,
"amount" : "969000000"
] ,
"memo" : "" ,
"timeout_height" : "0" ,
"extension_options" : [
] ,
"non_critical_extension_options" : [
} ,
"auth_info" : {
"signer_infos" : [
"public_key" : {
"@type" : "/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey" ,
"key" : "A2IKqvhI5iJwjhzNfy90VKT/UKcn7hQtmJD2WtPxiIY5"
} ,
"mode_info" : {
"single" : {
} ,
"sequence" : "75"
] ,
"fee" : {
"amount" : [
"denom" : "ujuno" ,
"amount" : "600"
] ,
"gas_limit" : "200003" ,
"payer" : "" ,
"granter" : ""
} ,
"signatures" : [
Decode with Python (junod)
Using junod and python, we can save this JSON data for later using the following example.
This excerpt was taken from the juno-analysis repo
Copy # python3 -m pip install httpx
import httpx , json , os
RPC_URL = ""
height = 7_000_000
client = httpx . Client ()
tx_data : dict [ int , dict ] = {}
def run_cmd ( cmd ) -> str :
return os . popen (cmd). read ()
def get_block_transactions ( height : int ) -> list [ str ] :
block = client . get (f " {RPC_URL} /block?height= {height} " ). json ()
block_txs = block [ "result" ] [ "block" ][ "data" ][ "txs" ]
return block_txs
def main ():
version = run_cmd ( "junod version" )
if len (version) == 0 :
print ( "Junod not installed. Please install junod and try again." )
exit ( 1 )
txs = get_block_transactions (height = height)
for tx in txs :
txs_json = json . loads ( run_cmd (f "junod tx decode {tx} --output json" ))
tx_data [ height ] = txs_json . get ( "body" , {}). get ( "messages" , [])
# Do something with that tx data here
print (tx_data)
if __name__ == "__main__" :
main ()
Decode with Python (protobuf)
If you have experience with protobuf, you can use cosmospy to decode transaction data and decode is from base64 strings
Copy # python -m pip install cosmospy-protobuf
import base64
import cosmospy_protobuf . cosmos . tx . v1beta1 . tx_pb2 as tx_pb2
tx = "CpMBCpABChwvY29zbW9zLmJhbmsudjFiZXRhMS5Nc2dTZW5kEnAKLWNvc21vczEweGw5cXV1Z2N2amhsMGdsamplaG1oeHhhN3cwaDM5ZTJ2aGFndhItY29zbW9zMThsemp0NWpwcjdtd3U0dHlkbGNmZ2N1dHI2Z25ycGsweWo4ZnNjGhAKBXVhdG9tEgcxMDAwMDAwEmcKUApGCh8vY29zbW9zLmNyeXB0by5zZWNwMjU2azEuUHViS2V5EiMKIQM+g5XXnqLLelLxz8CTy+vG5aO7SohNKS78OtL9ysdcEhIECgIIARgCEhMKDQoFdWF0b20SBDIyNzUQ+MYFGkBbTDHP0mn8d2hxQnNUE/SeudBrXMgjyRO5Bv12D4iWgk4cPsczc6EaDQD3v7cqqD22HL8ZZXVMF3GKi1SNAGNT"
decode64 = base64 . b64decode (tx)
tx = tx_pb2 . Tx ()
tx . ParseFromString (decode64)
print (tx)
# print(tx.body.messages)