Integrate Leap wallet

This guide provides a step-by-step process for integrating the Leap Wallet into your DApp. Leap Wallet allows your DApp to interact with user accounts, manage transactions.


  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript and React (or similar frameworks).

  • An existing DApp or a setup to create one.

  • Leap Wallet extension installed in your browser.

Step 1: Accessing the Leap Provider

  1. Install the Leap Extension: Ensure that the Leap Wallet extension is installed in your web browser.

  2. Integrate Leap into Your DApp: In your DApp's main JavaScript file, access the Leap provider through the global window object. Example: const leapProvider = window.leap;

Step 2: User Account Management

  1. Fetching User Account Details: Utilize the leapProvider.getKey(chainID) method to obtain the user’s account information. This should be called when the application mounts. Example: leapProvider.getKey('Juno1');

  2. Handling Wallet Changes: Set up an event listener for account changes. When the event triggers, call the getKey method again to update the user account details in your DApp.

Step 3: Transaction Signing and Management

  1. Setting Up CosmJS: If using CosmJS, initialize it to handle transaction signing. Ensure it's compatible with different wallet types, including hardware wallets.

  2. Sign Transactions: Utilize the getOfflineSignerAuto method for transaction signing. This method automatically determines the correct signer type based on the connected wallet.

Step 4: Transaction Review and Broadcasting

  1. Reviewing Transactions: When a transaction is initiated, Leap will prompt the user to review it. Users can adjust transaction fees and broadcasting modes.

  2. Handling Transaction Approval/Rejection: Implement error handling for rejected transactions. For approved transactions, capture the signed transaction data for broadcasting.

Step 5: Utilizing Advanced Leap Methods

  1. Sign Arbitrary Data: Use the signArbitrary method for off-chain purposes like user authentication.

  2. Delegate Broadcasting: Optionally, delegate transaction broadcasting to Leap Wallet using appropriate methods.

  3. Check Wallet Connection: Implement a method to check the wallet’s connection status and display relevant UI elements.

Step 6: Extending Chain Support

  1. Adding New Chains: Use the suggestChain method to add unsupported blockchain networks to Leap Wallet. Provide necessary details like RPC endpoints and coin types.

  2. Chain Integration: Test the integration by performing transactions or fetching account details on the newly added chain.

Step 7: Testing and Deployment

  1. Testing: Thoroughly test each functionality, especially transaction signing and account synchronization.

  2. Deployment: Once testing is complete, deploy your DApp with Leap Wallet integration.


Integrating Leap Wallet enhances your DApp’s functionality by enabling robust user account management and transaction handling. Follow this guide to ensure a smooth integration process.

Last updated